

Have you prepared for daycare yet? At the very least, you need to prepare this…

Part1: Preparation & What You Need


What are we going to prepare?


I don't know.

Here are some of the most necessary and typical items you will need every day!

There are many items that must be kept on hand at the nursery!


  • jacket
  • 2~3 pieces of clothes for change
  • 2~3 underwear
  • 2~3 apron
  • Diapers
  • Wet sheets for buttocks
  • underpants
  • Sleep comforter
  • Plastic bags for soiled clothes
  • Bags
  • etc.

Clothes get dirty


Fail to practice using the toilet.

This is a normal part of everyday life for children growing up.

In order to maintain cleanliness, a change of clothes, diapers, pants, and underwear must be provided.

The childcare worker must have a plastic bag to put soiled clothes in and return them to the parent or guardian.

Some people also use freezer bags with zippers as a way to subdivide clothes.

Freezer bags with zippers because you can write your name on them. I personally recommend them.

If you are looking for cute designs, you can find cute things at IKEA, NITORI, and FRING-TIGER stores.

After making a purchase, write your name on all of your possessions.

You must write your child's name on all of your personal belongings!

Even diapers, of course!

Even on potty sheets!

No problem is Katakana or hiragana.
Ask the nursery if it is acceptable to write the child's name in romaji.

This process can be very tedious and tiring.

Why write your name on all of your belongings?
If a personal belonging is lost in the daycare center, it can lead to an incident where the daycare staff is in an uproar.

Loss is not something that should happen.

Please write your name down!

If you are not good at writing, there are some useful things such as "name stickers" that you can use,

If you are not good at writing, there are some useful things such as "name stickers.

Your child's name is on the sticker and you just shallstick it on!

Most of them can be ordered online.

Let's be quick and easy with the method that suits you best!

Pars2: Preparation & What You Need

In addition, here are some other things to prepare and need.

Be sure to buy a hat.

I think there are many ways to apply for and purchase a designated hat in the office.

Uwaguts are probably prepared from the age of about 2 years old.

As for outside shoes, fashionable design shoes are in vogue, but

I personally recommend shoes that can be put on and taken off with Velcro.

This is because children will practice taking off their shoes by themselves and putting them on by themselves when they are around 2 years old.

This will give them confidence that they can do it by themselves, so Velcro shoes are a good choice to take to the nursery school.

Next, towels with strings.

How to use,
Hook up towels to the class.
There are hooks in the room (class) for the number of students.

Each day, a new towel is hung on the hook, and the children use their own towels. Please wash the towels every day and prepare clean towels.

Towels with string, Used after playing in the yard, after using the toilet, before and after meals, and after washing hands.

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